The sequel to the beloved 2016 Disney animated film was originally planned as a Disney+ streaming series. Now, fans of Moana can finally experience it as a movie once it hits theaters.
Hollywood Reporter stated that the filmmakers shared the first half an hour footage of the sequel during a press event held at Burbank’s Walt Disney Animation Studios. Co-directors David Derrick Jr., Dana Ledoux Miller, and Jason Hand alongside co-writer and Disney Animation’s new chief creative officer Jared Bush went on stage to give their insights after the screening.
Derrick stated that while they refined the story into a theatrical format, the core characters and the main themes remained the same. Bush expressed how the sequel premiering in cinemas provides a more epic way of showcasing the world. Miller, on the other hand, shared her thoughts on the importance of Moana growing as a leader. Lastly, Hand explained how the opening song brings viewers back into Moana’s world while blending recognizable sounds with Moana’s current life as well as the island’s status.
Moana 2 follows the titular character answering her ancestors’ call and putting together a small crew to embark on a treacherous ocean voyage to search for a mysterious island. During the screening, a scene was shown depicting Moana and her friends fighting the petite-sized yet dangerous Kakamora tribe. Seems like fans will be envious of anyone attending the screening, but it’s better to watch the movie in its entirety anyways. The patience will be worth it.
Moana 2 releases in cinemas on November 27, 2024.