Pokemon Unite, a free-to-play MOBA game that originally released on July 21, 2021, is currently celebrating their third anniversary within the game. Alongside it, a new, yet likely familiar Legendary Pokemon called Ho-oh is now available for all to play.
The events held during the anniversary are quite literally filled to the brim with many activities for players both new and old, and numerous prizes to earn upon completion. A new battle pass is also fast on the horizon, where more news of the soon to be revealed Battle Pass 25 will be officially released within less than a week.
To obtain Ho-oh, players will either have to go through the standard challenge event variant that comes with new releases, with each dice roll from those you obtain through rewards getting you closer towards the goal, or through paying with gems in order to complete it easier and faster.

With enough time invested into each roll however, you can practically guarantee being able to gain Ho-oh for free after completing enough maps. If players aren’t able to participate during this time either, the Pokemon will unlock as per usual sometime in the near future for regular shop purchase with either in-game coins or gems as currency.
The newest Pokemon to the fray launches as a Defender, a classification known for having high Endurance and the ability of protecting allies while hindering opponents. They are also under the EX rank, which includes other Legendary, typically stronger Pokemon from the rest of the cast such as Mewtwo X, Mewtwo Y, Zacian, and Miraidon. Ho-oh’s special abilities include an assortment of both Flying and Fire based attacks, as well as the unique ability to resurrect allies using its Unite Move.